The 5 Steps You Should Follow After a Motor Vehicle Accident
Accidents happen, and when they do All Pro Auto body is here to help. Follow these simple steps if you are involved in a collision. For immediate towing assistance call our towing Partner Gabes Towing at 503-317-5411.
Step 1: Always Stop
If you are involved in a collision and do not stop, you may be subject to criminal prosecution. Stop your vehicle, stay calm and when it’s safe, exit the vehicle.
Step 2: Check for Injuries
Assess the extent of injuries and when in doubt, call 911 to report the location of the collision. Caring for victims is a priority, but sometimes it may be unsafe to remove people from vehicles involved in a collision, so wait for help to arrive. Don’t move anyone who has sustained an injury unless it is necessary to keep them from further harm.

Step 3: Pull over and Record Damage
If it’s safe, move your vehicle to the side of the road, away from traffic. Turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights and use cones/warning triangles for safety. Assess the condition of the vehicles as best you can and take pictures of damage. If there are parties involved that have injuries, call 911. Don’t discuss fault, responsibility, or circumstances of the accident with the other driver(s).
Accidents Happen, and when they do Trust All Pro Auto Body,
will get you back on the road quick & easy
Step 4: Exchange Information and Document the Incident
Be sure to obtain important information from all involved drivers:
- Names, address, contact information
- Driver’s license number
- License plate number
- Insurance Information
- Contact information of registered vehicle owners
If a driver fails to provide any of the requested information, it may be advisable to notify the police of the collision. Contact information of passengers and any witnesses should also be obtained.
Step 5: Contact the Professionals at All Pro Auto Body Inc.
If you need a tow truck call our partner Gabe’s Towing for Towing Assistance.
Don’t drive your vehicle if it seems unsafe and never sign any releases with towing companies, repair centres or insurance companies that you have not read or do not fully understand.